It would be so difficult to do a day-by-day account of our trip to Spain. We did and saw so much, it would probably get tedious and boring. So, I'll show some photos, tell some amusing anecdotes, and hopefully you'll get the gist.
The Boqueria in Barcelona was our first stop, when we finally woke up around 11 am on our first morning there.

It reminded me of the Central Mercado in Florence, where I used to do my food shopping. Stall after stall of amazing looking produce, meats, fish (that doesn't smell fishy), dried good...absolutely everything.

We had lunch at a stall in the market, where we had fresh razor clams, simply cooked on a grill with garlic, lemon, and oil, with a glass of cava for Leo and a cerveza for me. It was an amazing way to start our first day.

We found a mask and marionette shop during a stroll through the Barrio Gotic.
While going into a tourist information place to pick up a good map of the city, we overheard someone asking about bullfights. Leo had always wanted to go to one, but we did think any were going on while we were in Spain (aside from in Pamplona). So we asked, we found out we could buy the tickets at the stadium for the fight that evening, and we went.

It was a rather emotional experience for both of us (not to mention the 6 bulls we saw die). In a way, it was both savage and eerie and gruesome ballet.

More photos and stories to come.
wow, you had to watch 6 of them to die!
I thought only one dies at any given event!
I guess I did not read my books very carefully
yes, the typical event has 6 fights. there are usually 3 matadors, who each battle 2 bulls. in the one that we saw, there were 2 matadors, but also a rejoneador (someone who fights the bull on horseback).
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