Friday, February 1, 2008

Moving Day - the sequel

Today we move into our new place, so updates to the blog may be a bit less frequent, since we have no internet service. Hopefully (but doubtfully) setting up a phone line and an internet connection won't take too long. Pictures of our apartment to come...that is if some guy named Paul shows up today with our keys.


Katya said...


Anonymous said...

Hope your move goes smoothly. Good luck getting your Internet installed in a timely fashion. It took us a week and we had scheduled the initial appointment a MONTH IN ADVANCE. One week of my husband calling our soon to be Internet provider and complaining to them about their "wonderful" installation service. We are talking 5+ calls a day to finally get them here at the end of the week to get things installed. The Internet is our main way to communicate with family and friends back in the States. Hope things go better for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!
I hope your internet connection will work better and faster than usamctwo did