Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Last night Tom, Caron, Leo and I made a trip to IKEA to pick up some essentials we'll need when we move into our new places at the end of the week. This was Tom and Caron's first trip to the land of cheap and plenty, but we're now experts at it. Every IKEA is exactly the same. It's always located in some suburban strip mall area, surrounded by KFCs and Pizza Huts. It always smells the same - some plastic/wooden/perfumey blend. The entrance is alway difficult to locate. The pathways through the store are circuitous. And you always spend more than you thought you would. The IKEA in Edmonton was no different. After getting some food and beer, to make the shopping a bit more bearable, we embarked on our mission for bedding, dishes, and kitchen stuff. An hour and forty-five minutes later, we were broken, exhausted, and praying that we'd never have to come back...that's the IKEA charm!


Anonymous said...

The meatballs look good so!

Jen said...

They were a tad dry, even under all that gravy. I think they were better at the IKEA in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

I suspect many things were better in Chicago