Friday, December 7, 2007

Always on the Move

I'm not sure what woke me up, but once I was awake, all I could think about were boxes...I need boxes for the linens...remember to get more tape and bubble wrap...will the Turkish platter fit inside a standard file box, or will I need something larger...definitely larger...I realize that after years of moving, I've become and expert at this. Since graduating college, we have moved 5 times - with 3 apartments in Chicago, and 2 in New York. The longest we've ever stayed in one place was almost 3 years in our last apartment in Chicago. This, for a Cancer (One who is fundamentally conservative with a home-loving nature, appreciating the nest like quality of a secure base) is not normal behavior, but at this point, it has become instinctual.

I'm also a collector...ok, a pack-rat. I somehow acquire things and cling to them. Maybe it's the Cancer sign again, since I don't ever get my nest. To carefully hide all of these things that have attached themselves to me over the year (so Leo won't force me to put them out with the trash), I've become a master-packer. Carefully squeezing small plastic children's toys and rocks from various vacations into boxes marked as "Assorted Books" and "Fancy Glasses - Fragile."

But this move is a very different move. A minimalist move. Packing up everything we own, to move it to Connecticut, while we move to London. Aside from our clothes, a few glasses, and some unread books, I am packing our lives away into cardboard boxes, and I have no idea when I'll see all of it next. This could break me, or be my saving grace...but at 3:30 in the morning, these things tend to take on a significance which they don't normally have.

All this being said, at least I have acquired a valuable skill over the years.

1 comment:

Katya said...

Ouch. I remeber exactly what that feels like. Waking up with your mind racing and packing mentally as you go through the day.

We got rid of 1/3 of our stuff when we moved to NC and then again when we moved to GA and it still feels like we have too much!