Thursday, October 29, 2009


On our first full day in Tokyo we wandered around Shinjuku, which is where we've been staying. This is a view of Shinjuku from the 26th floor of the L Building. Why were we up there you ask? Because we wanted to visit the Toto design show room (where most of the fancy toilets in Japan come from). Here Leo contemplates how he can bring one of these toilets back to the states. They are quite remarkable, with seat warmers, bidets, blow dryers, music, etc.


Anonymous said...

I are shipping one to our house?

Jen said...

don't worry, no more items to ship...we have enough stuff as it is

Anonymous said...

Too bad, I was hoping for really fancy toilet.

Anonymous said...

I've been eyeing them also, but Uncle david has no interest in having one. You can easily find them in LA, and I wonder if it even pays to ship from Japan?
Aunt Bonnie

Jen said...

i think we might be able to find them in new york too, though i'm not quite sure i want one

Katya said...

You DO want one. Once you try it you can't go back... I LOVE the warm water and blow-dryer function. Or is that TMI?