In an effort not to bore you with long entries and few pictures, I'm going to try another approach, more photos and short as to finish this section on Greece before our next trip. On our second day in
Naxos we rented a car to drive around the island. The island is so small with so few roads, there are no real road maps...which you think would make things easy, but somehow we ended up in a small town driving down a pedestrian street with an old man laughing at us, trying to direct up to Demeter's Temple in Greek.

We eventually made it to the temple.

We ventured further and arrived at
Apiranthos, which is a small own perched upon the side of a mountain and made almost entirely from marble.

Not only did Leo have to contend with driving on narrow, winding mountain roads, he also needed to contend with goat roadblocks.
Naxos has always been a large exporter of marble. We passed this large quarry on our road trip.

One of the goals of the car trip was to find on of the abandoned
kouros statues which again, after a few wrong turns, we eventually got to.
Great pictures.
What are kuros statues, does not ring the bell.
And what is the next trip?
kuros are large statues of men. they are old, of minoan times rather than classical greece.
next trip is paris next week, then italy in december.
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